The Book of Amos

By Charles Box, Walnut Street Church of Christ, P.O. Box 551, Greenville, Alabama 36037 USA



Transgressions Bring God's Judgment

Amos One


Amos was a farmer and a herdmen. God sent him with a message of judgment for Israel and for surrounding nations. In his preaching Amos is reminiscent of John the Baptist. "Not a sob is to be found in his book for the nation of wicked apostates, and there is only a sigh for the poor." Amos writes at a time when Israel had reached a low point in her righteousness and in her devotion to God. Greed, violence, a lack of honesty and much false religion marked the nation of Israel as doomed for judgment.


The majority of Amos' message was against the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. Amos also had messages of God's judgment against other nation that surrounded Israel because of their transgressions: (1) Damascus, the capital of Syria, (2) the Philistines, (3) Tyre, (4) the Edomites, (5) the Ammonites, (6) the Moabites, (7) Judah, and finally, (8) Israel. Amos was not a "professional" prophet, but a common man utilized by the Lord to deliver His Word to His people. God sent an unpopular message through him to Samaria, the capital of the Northern Kingdom. The message was that the nation would face God's judgment because of sin. This punishment would come through a foreign nation.


God's people were made to understand the coming judgment with the expression "the Day of the Lord." God's judgment would come because of the sins or transgressions of the people. In Amos one the prophet writes about the sins of the nations surrounding Israel. The people's disobedience brought upon them the judgment of the Almighty. We learn that God judges all nations and that Israel and Judah will not be exempt. Amos set forth the great truth that God must be exalted by His people. He expects His people to be moral and benevolent. People are expected to live by the teachings of the Almighty and we are accountable to God to do exactly that.


Transgressions of Demacus -- Amos 1:1-5: Amos was not a professional prophet. He said, "I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit.” (Amos 7:14) He was a herdmen or he raised sheep near the town of Tekoa. He was very specific in saying that God showed him things "concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel, two years before the earthquake."


The Lord will roar in judgment from Jerusalem against the wrongs of the heathen nations and also against the wrongs of His own people. "Carmel shall wither" is a statement that shows God's displeasure with the sins of His people. Carmel was one of the beautiful places in Palestine. Its devastation is certainly a sign of God's displeasure.  


God promised to punish Damascus or Syria for countless transgressions. Damascus was the capital of Syria. For three transgressions and for four indicates that these people had many opportunities to do right and yet had continually chosen to do wrong. God said Demascus "threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron." One translation said, "They dragged logs with spikes over the people of Gilead." Damascus was guilty of cruel treatment against Gilead. Hazael and Benhadad were a father and son that were both kings in Syria. God promised to burn down their palaces because of transgressions. He promised that the Syrians would be dragged of to Kir as prisoners. The captivity happened just as God predicted. (2 Kings 16:9)


Three transgressions of Gaza -- Amos 1:6-8: God promised to punish Gaza for her transgressions. He said He would not change His mind about this punishment. He said, "I will not turn away the punishment thereof." Gaza was a leading city of the Philistines. They had dragged off God's people and sold them as slaves to the Edomites. In 2 Chronicles 28:18 we see an example of their carrying the people away. It was their desire to carry all the people away and sell them all. God promised to smite the Philistines for their cruelty. He promised to send fire to burn down their walls and palaces.  In 2 Kings 18:8 we have a record of one time when God sent destruction upon Gaza. They were punished because of their cruelty.


God said, "I will destroy the king of Ashdod and the ruler of Ashkelon. I will strike down Ekron, and that will be the end of the Philistines. I, the LORD, have spoken!" These were places in the land of the Philistines. God would bring destruction upon them because of their transgressions.


Transgressions of Tyrus and Edom -- Amos 1:9-12: The Lord promises to punish Tyrus or Phoenicia for countless sins or transgressions. Nations that live beside each other must be brotherly in order to continue to exist. This had previously been the case with Tyrus and Israel. "And Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters, and masons: and they built David an house." (2 Samuel 5:11) Now the people of Tyrus had dragged off God's people from town after town and sold them to the Edomites. God promised to send fire to burn down the fortresses of the city of Tyre along with its palaces.


The LORD also promised to punish Edom for her countless transgressions. He would not relent or change his mind about their punishment. God had said that Esau and his descendants would live by the sword. (Genesis 27:40) Edom pursued their own relatives with the sword and killed many of them. They were furious against them and showed no mercy. The wrath and anger of Edom was an ongoing thing. Teman and Bozrah were Edomites cities. God promised to send His fiery judgment upon them because of their unfairness and cruelty against Israel.


Transgressions of Ammon -- Amos 1:13-15: God promised to punish Ammon for her countless transgressions. He would not change his mind about his matter. The Ammonites were descendants of Lot. (Genesis 19:38)  In Gilead the Ammonites ripped open pregnant women, just to take the land. They were so greedy for land that did these horrible things to destroy the people whose land they wanted to take. God said, "I will kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah, and it shall devour the palaces thereof."  "Enemies will shout and attack like a whirlwind." Rabbah was the chief city of the Ammonites. They invaded the lands of others and now their land would be invaded. The Lord promised that Ammon's king and his princes together would be dragged away into captivity by attacking armies. Sin always brings horrible consequences.


These nations are all responsible to be obedient to Divine law. They had violated the law and were sinners. Remember, "Where no law is, there is no transgression." (Romans 4:15) The judgment pronounced upon these nations by Amos the prophet proves the accountability of all people to the law of God. God is the sole, Sovereign and righteous ruler of the world. He judges all people righteously. When they rebel against the Creator they face severe judgment and consequences.


Will you have enough reverence and fear for God that you will become a Christian now? To become a Christian you must hear the gospel (Romans 10:17), believe in Jesus (John 8:24), repent of sins (Acts 17:30, confess Christ as Lord (Acts 8:37), and be baptized to be saved. (1 Peter 3:21). After baptism use your life to spread the glorious gospel of Christ!

Israel Faced Her Transgressions
– Amos Two –

          Moab was Judah's neighbor to the south. Their transgression was that they were especially cruel to Edom and her king. They desecrated the nation of Edom by burning the remains of their king into lime.

            God applied the same formula of judgment to His people that He applied to the other nations. "For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment." Amos point out that God's people had also just gone on committing sin after sin. The sin of Judah was that they despised and disobeyed the law of God. They had God's Law and He expected and required them to obey! Religious lies led them astray from the Almighty. The wickedness of Judah would also cause them to face God punishment of fire.

            Israel's sins are also pointed out following the same pattern as before, "For three transgressions of Israel, and for four." They continued to commit sin upon sin. They sold the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of shoes. The rich were cruel in their actions toward the poor. The people were immoral. "A man and his father will go in unto the same maid." Their idolatrous worship caused them to disregard God's commands concerning pledges from the poor. (Exodus 22:26-27) How could Israel reject a God that had been so good to them? Gratitude to God always leads to faithfulness to Him.

            Israel had rejected God's prophets and had given the Nazirites wine to drink. The disobedience of Israel leads to God placing a heavy burden upon them. Israel would have no strength to defend herself against her enemies without blessing from God. Let us be weak enough to cry out, "We need God!"

            The transgressions of Moab -- Amos 2:1-3: The fact that Moab had gone on committing one sin after another caused God to pronounce judgment upon that nation. The Moabites were also descendants of Lot. (Genesis 19:37)  They had disrespected the king of Edom by burning his bones. The Edomites were Esau's descendants. God promised His fire upon Moab to devour the strongholds of Kerioth. He said, "Moab shall die amid uproar, amid shouting and the sound of the trumpet."

The picture is that the city would be taken by storm, and that would be followed by a total slaughter of its inhabitants, especially a slaughter of the leaders. God promised that the rulers and the princes of Moab would be cut off. Military people understand the importance of removing the leaders of the nation that you attack. This destruction of all government would surely happen to Moab.


          The transgressions of Judah -- Amos 2:4-5: Judah, the people of God had despised and rejected His word so they heard the same statement, "For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment thereof." The Law of the Lord and His commandments were clear, but Judah rejected them for religious lies. This caused them to go astray just as their fathers had done. What a sad commentary spoken against the people of God: (1) They rejected the Law of the Lord. (2) They did not keep His statutes, and (3) They followed all kinds of religious lies.

            The punishment for Judah was the same as for other nations. God said, I will send a fire upon Judah, and it shall devour the strongholds of Jerusalem." Read 2 Kings 25:9 and see that these words were literally fulfilled. "And he burnt the house of the LORD, and the king's house, and all the houses of Jerusalem, and every great man's house burnt he with fire."

          The transgressions of Israel -- Amos 2:6-10: Next God said, "For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment." The 10-tribe Northern Kingdom was guilty of many sins: (1) They sold the righteous for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals. How much would a human being, especially a righteous person, be worth to you? (2) They defrauded the poor and the weak that were unable to defend themselves. (3)  A man and his father had sexual relations with the same girl. (4) They bowed down at pagan altars to worship. (5) They made personal use of the garments that were taken as pledge that should not have been kept over night. (Deuteronomy 24:12) and, (7) They levied fine upon the poor with­out cause and then spent that money for wine that they drank in the idols' house.


          God reminded Israel that He had destroyed the Amorites. They had been a very strong nation but God said, "I destroyed his fruit above and his roots beneath." God utterly destroyed the Amorites, root and branch. Nothing remains of him even till this day. God also reminded Israel of His goodness toward them. God said, "It was I who brought you up out of the land of Egypt and led you forty years in the wilderness, to possess the land of the Amorite." In Egypt the children of Israel were afflicted and in deep slavery. The Lord brought them out with a great deliverance. He led them for forty years through the wilderness. He used a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night. He protected and preserved them. Sadly Israel's disobedience shows much ingratitude to the Almighty.


          More about Israel's transgressions -- Amos 2:11-16: God raised up some of the sons of the children of Israel to be prophets. Some of the young men dedicated themselves to be Nazirites. Prophets stood between God and the people and delivered inspired messages of instruction and correction. The Nazarites were a special class of servants for God. Sadly God said, "But you made the Nazirites drink wine, and commanded the prophets, saying, 'You shall not prophesy." "One of the conditions of a Nazarite's vow was that he abstain from the use of wine or any other part of the grape during the term of his vow." (Numbers 6:2-4) They told the prophets to keep quiet because they did not like the warn­ings they gave and nor the exhortations to duty that they proclaimed. Their sins were so numerous that they could not deny them.

            In Amos 2:13 the King James Version says, "Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves." The English Standard and the American Standard Versions say, "Behold, I will press you down in your place, as a cart full of sheaves presses down." This seems to be more in keeping with the thought of the text. God would bear down upon the nation of Israel with a heavy burden because of their disobedience. They would have no speed, strength nor might to deliver themselves. When the As­syrians invaded Israel they fell because God was no longer with them. The battle would be so strong against Israel that "he who is stout of heart among the mighty shall flee away naked in that day." Without God and His blessing the battle is certainly lost.

            It is time to get serious about your salvation. To become a Christian you must hear the gospel (Romans 10:17), believe in Jesus (John 8:24), repent of sins (Acts 17:30), confess Christ as Lord (Acts 8:37), and be baptized to be saved. (1 Peter 3:21). After baptism follow Jesus in faithfulness as He leads you home to heaven. (Revelation 2:10)

Failing To Walk With God

– Amos Three –

          The love and concern that God had for Israel made His judgment upon them unavoidable. His actions against Israel showed that He was deeply provoked by their sins. The redemption of Israel from Egypt should have lead to continual faithfulness on their part. Likewise our redemption by the death of Jesus on the cross should keep us faithful. Israel had great privileges. With great privileges came great responsibility. They would now face punishment because of their failures to honor God. 

            Many seem to have the matter of privilege entirely wrong. They think that with privilege comes mercy. God's view is that with privilege comes responsibility. God will not pass over the sins of His people. Amos said, "If there is calamity in a city, will not the Lord have done it?" God wanted Israel to know that it was He that was bringing the punishment upon them. It was not just bad luck that the punishment came. It was the hand of the Lord in judgment against them. .

            God revealed to Amos the nature of the coming judgment and Amos, in turn, prophesied about what would come upon the nation of Israel. God stilled desired that the people would come to repentance. The people should not blame Amos concerning the message. "The Lord God has spoken!" God's prophet had simply spoken the message of the Lord and the people should fear. God invited foreign nations to come to o o Samaria, the capital city of Israel, to see the sins of Israel and to understand her punishment.

            God said the e e land of Israel would be plundered by an adversary. About thirty years after this prophecy of Amos Israel was invaded and destroyed by Assyria. God destroyed idolatry at Bethel and throughout Israel. God's judgment would also extend to palaces built through oppression. 

             Judgment against the Children of Israel -- Amos 3:1-3: God had brought the family of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. Now God's judgment would be poured out against His own people because of their transgressions. Most of the preaching of Amos was directed against the 10-tribe Northern Kingdom. However, all that he said finds application to the entire nation of Israel. God had chosen Israel out of all the nations of the earth. With privilege comes responsibility. Now God would punish Israel because of her sins. God said, "You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities." (Amos 3:2) God chose Israel to be His special people. "For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth." (Deuteronomy 7:6) They were blessed by God but they did not live in a way that was pleasing to God.

            "t;t;t;Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" The question is, Can two people walk together as a unit in the same direction and for the same purpose unless they have agreed to meet? God has a plan whereby man can walk with Him. Man should gladly agree to do so. Sadly, Israel did not agree to walk with the Almighty.   

            The Lord will punish evil -- Amos 3:4-6:6: God wanted it understood that there was a cause for the punishment that He would bring upon Israel. The Lord would do this to Israel because of her transgression. There is a cause!  "Does a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? Does a young lion cry out from his den, if he has taken nothing? Does a bird fall in a snare on the earth, when there is no trap for it? Does a snare spring up from the ground, when it has taken nothing? Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid?" God wanted it understood that when disaster came upon Israel that it was He that had done it. The chastisement of the Lord came because of continual disobedience to His will by the children of Israel.

            The very nature of the Lord said that He must t t do something to show His resentment against sin. Israel had gone so far into transgression that it was time for God to arise and defend His name and His righteousness. When God gave threats of destruction by His prophet was there not a serious cause? The people should have been afraid because God's judgment had been promised.

            The Lord has spoken -- Amos 3:7-11: Whatever God intended to do He revealed through His prophet. It was not just talk. It would happen just as He revealed through His messenger. When God's prophets sounded the warning the people should take heed. Everyone is terrified when a lion roars. Just so, when God spoke to the prophet fear would cause him to prophesy the exact message that God had given him by revelation. The people, then, should have trembled when God promised punishment.

            Philistia and Egypt were in­vited to come and witness what was going to happen to Samaria. Samaria was the capi­tal of Israel, the 10-tribe northern kingdom of the Jews. They would be able to see the injustice, the lawlessness and the wickedness of God's people. They would also observe that even the sins of God's own people would not go unpunished. The people of God were unwilling to do right. They did not even consider what the Lord had told them to do. They had not been honest, but had become rich from violence and robbery. God promised that the Assyrians would break through their defenses    and steal their treasures. In 2 Kings 17:5 we read, "Then the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years."

            Punishment for Israel's transgressions -- Amos 3:12-15: Under the Law of Moses if a person was keeping animals and one of the animals was torn he could bring some parts of the animal and not be responsible for paying for it. (Exodus 22:10-13)  "Thus says the LORD: "As the shepherd rescues from the mouth of the lion two legs, or a piece of an ear, so shall the people of Israel who dwell in Samaria be rescued, with the corner of a couch and part of a bed." (Amos 3:12) Only a few from Samaria would escape with their lives and with some small, broken possession. This is all a prediction of the Assyrian captivity of Israel.   

            The message that Amos delivered against the house of Israel was the message that the Almighty God instructed him to speak. God would punish Israel for her transgressions. He promised , (1) To d d destroy the altars at Bethel, (2) That the horns of the altar shall be cut off and fall to the ground, (3) To tear down their winter homes and summer homes,  and (4) That all their mansions would be gone forever. Extravagance marked the lives of the pleasure-mad leaders of Israel. Now they, their possessions, the people and the nation of Israel would fall because of continual transgressions against the will of God.

Prepare to Meet Thy God
Amos Four  

          Amos chapter four is filled with some very colorful, powerful and direct teaching from God. Amos compared the women to fat cows. The women are compared to fat cows or kine living in fertile Bashan. The husbands or masters of the women met their demands by oppressing the poor and needy. Much like our society today, Israel was worshipping at the shrine of materialism.  Economic exploitation is always a problem when people serve the god of materialism.

          The priest would call people to Bethel and Gilgal to worship. This was a mistake because Jerusalem was the true place of worship. Now Amos, speaking with sarcasm calls the people there to sin. God was sickened by their worship that had no heart or commitment in it. Their worship was only empty show! God had done everything He could to bring them to repentance. However five times He was forced to say, "yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD." God sent Famine (Amos 4:6), Drought (Amos 4:7-8), Locusts (Amos 4:9), Plague (Amos 4:10) and Conquest. (Amos 4:10) God's efforts to save these people were continually rejected. He was merciful yet it availed nothing with these hard hearted people.  

          The entire book of Amos might well turn upon one simple statement, "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel." (Amos 4:12) Even though the message of Amos for Israel was that they should prepare to meet God as His judgment was poured out against that wicked nation those same words are also God's message for every man! "Prepare to meet thy God."

          Fat cows of Bashan -- Amos 4:1-3: Amos dealt with the oppression and injustice by those that called themselves God's people. He called the women fat cows of Bashan. Bashan was on the east of Jordan, between Hermon and Gilead. Today it is known as the Golan Heights. These women were so selfish that they asked their husbands to bring them more wine that was paid for by oppressing the poor. God told them that their time was coming. Judgment was coming upon them. They would be taken away with sharp hooks. This was the Lord's promise and it was backed up by His holiness.

               The idea of being taken away with a hook likely is that of the ring in the nose by which the animal is lead about. That action prompted the familiar statement that a person is "leading someone around by the nose." Israel would be lead into captivity and she would receive cruel punishment. They would be dragged through holes in the city walls. They would be cast out into the palace or into the enemy’s stronghold. This would happen because the Lord had declared it so.

          Come to Bethel and Gilgal and sin -- Amos 4:4-5: When God invited the people to come to Bethel and Gilgal He did not invite them to come there for worship. Bethel was one of the places where the calves were placed and worshipped. Gilgal was also a place where high places and altars were erected, and idols worshipped. The problem was that God had called upon Israel again and again to get out of sin. They had continually refused. Now God told them to just go on sinning or to continue on in their idolatrous worship. They transgressed the law of God and proved by the worship of idols that they had no respect for Jehovah.

          Their continual rebellion now brought them to this point in history. It was too late for change and their hypocritical sacrifices and tithes meant nothing. In fact God told them to offer leaven with their sacrifice. In Leviticus 2:11 we learn that the use of such leaven was forbidden. Their lives were corrupt; their worship was corrupt and so what they offered would make no difference. The children of Israel were mixing idolatry with true worship. This led God to reject the entire process. They will now receive the deserved condemnation.  

               You have not returned to God -- Amos 4:6-11: Five times the Lord described efforts He had made to rescue Israel from sin. But each time He said, "Yet you did not return to me," or "still you rejected me." God punished the people with a shortage of food. The expression "cleanness of teeth" is a figurative desig­nation of the result of famine. But still the people went on with their rejection of God. God said, "Three months before harvest, I kept back the rain. Sometimes I would let it fall on one town or field but not on another,    and pastures dried up." The Creator has the ability to control the rain. People from two or three towns would go to a town that had water but it was still not enough to satisfy their need. In spite of all of this the people did not return to the Lord. God wanted to bring His people to repentance but His chastisements had no effect on them.

          God had said, "But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field. Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store." (Deuteronomy 28:15-17) They now know that God meant what He said. He dried up their grain fields, gardens and vineyards. He sent locusts that ate their fig trees and olive orchards, but even then they rejected the Lord.

          God sent plagues upon them, their young men were killed in battle, their horses were stolen and their camp was made to stink with dead bodies. Yet, the Lord still had to declare, "They did not return unto Me." God overthrew some of them as He had done to Sodom and Gomorrah. Others were like a burning stick that God rescued from the fire. Even then they continued to reject Him. His people were unfaithful but God continued to love them. However, He could not overlook their sins.

              Prepare to meet thy God -- Amos 4:12-13: One of the most sobering statements in the Bible is "Prepare to meet thy God." After continual rejection God told Israel to "Get ready to face your God!" This is said in view of the judgment that God would soon bring on the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel. The children or Israel would meet God or encounter Him as He brought the Assyrians against them. Israel should prepare to fight it out with the Creator whom they had made to be their enemy. They had continually revolted against His law and now they must face the consequences.


the LORD, the God of hosts. He is the LORD God All-Powerful! He is the God of all creation. It was Jehovah that formed the mountains and created the wind. God is the absolute sovereign over man. He has declared to man His thoughts. In this case man rebelled and would not listen. God has power over nature as He made in the beginning and still makes today both darkness and light. He treads upon the high places of the earth or He rules above all. "The LORD, The God of hosts, is his name."

          It is time to get serious about your salvation. To become a Christian you must hear the gospel (John 6:44-45), believe in Jesus (Mark 16:16), repent of sins (Acts 2:38), confess Christ as Lord (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized to be saved. (Galatians 3:26-27) After baptism follow Jesus in faithfulness as He leads you home to heaven. (Revelation 2:10

Seek The Lord and Live

– Amos Five – 

            Amos took up a lamentation against Israel because of her coming destruction. Pay day had come. The nation would now reap the result of their sinful living. The destruction would be so severe that only a remnant would be left. "For thus s saith the Lord GOD; The city that went out by a thousand shall leave an hundred, and that which went forth by an hundred shall leave ten, to the house of Israel." (Amos 5:3) God's fiery judgment was coming with certainty. The only hope for Israel was to seek the Lord and live.  

            Amos was pleading with the people to repent. There was still hope but soon it would be too late. Seek the Lord, (1) He will give live, He is all powerful, and He knows all your sins. They had sinned long enough. Now the message is, "Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken. Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph." (Amos 5:14-15)5)5)

            A failure to repent would lead to God coming in judgment against Israel. The judgment would bring wailing in the streets, highways and vineyards. It will be a day of darkness with no escape. "As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him." (Amos 5:19) Their religion was repulsive to God and it lead to captivity that took them "beyond d d Damascus." 

            Seek Him that made the stars -- Amos 5:1-9: Amos brought a mournful message from God to the house of Israel. He called upon them to listen to God's word. God is grieved over their wrongs and his desire is that they will come to repentance. Israel had been separated from the nations of the world. They had been blessed by God. Israel had sunk so low in their rebellion that they would be deserted in their own land and there would be no one to help them.

            God promised that only a very small remnant would be left. "The city that went out a thousand shall have a hundred left, and that which went out a hundred shall have ten left to the house of f f Israel." God kept on pleading with Israel "Seek me and live." The people turned a deaf ear to God. They were not willing to turn back to Him and live. They were not to go to Bethel, Gilgal or Beersheba. These were strong holds for idolatry and there would be no help there. The people were taught to seek the Lord and live.  A failure to do so would result in God attacking them like fire and Bethel being burned to the ground.  

            These people twisted the truth and had no respect for justice. Amos reminded them that they were dealing with the Creator of the universe. He is the one that both made and controlled heavenly bodies: He also controls night and day. . . This God would destroy the mighty soldiers and strong fortresses of those that live in rebellion against Him.  

            Choose good instead of evil -- Amos 5:9-15:5: Life is a matter of the choices that we make. Israel chose to have fair judges and honest witnesses. Israel did not want to be reminded of her sins so she desired teachers that would give the message that suited her. They had abused the poor and demand heavy taxes from them. They had built expensive houses and had planted vineyards. They would lose both because of wickedness. These rebukes were largely for the leaders of the people.


God felt that their sins were terrible because they had cheated honest people. They had taken bribes and robbed the poor of justice. We must remember that God knows the things that we do in our bodies. It was an evil time in that the good and prudent people just kept silent. The only way that God could be on their side was for them to stop doing wrong and start doing right. If they refused they would die. Amos said, "Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate; it may be that the LORD, the God of hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph."

            Judgment is coming -- Amos 5:16-20:0:0: Many of the people of Israel were wanting God's judgment to come. But they were in for trouble! It would not be a time of sunshine; all would be darkness. God had promised that the Assyrian forces would invade Israel. When that happened there would be wailing, mourning and lamentation throughout Israel. There would be public demonstrations of regret over the sad condition and fate of Israel. There would be no where to turn for help. God said, "You will run from a lion, only to meet a bear. You will escape to your house, rest your hand on the wall, and be bitten by a snake." There is no escape from God's wrath.

God's judgment was coming upon Israel as a nation. This day would be a dark day for Israel, a very dark day. The day of God's judgment against Israel would not be a day of happiness and prosperity. It would be a time of misery and distress because of the wickedness of the Israelites. This day would bring only calamity. There would be no deliverance and not a glimmer of hope.

            What the Lord demands -- Amos 5:21-27:7:7: The children of Israel stilled assembled before God to conduct solemn assemblies or religious celebrations. Sadly, God took no delight in their times of worship. The people were doing the actions required by the Mo­saic system. Their thinking seemed to be that they somehow thought God would accept them just because they continued to do the things He required regardless of all the evils and false worship that they were involved with. God hated their feast days and refused to smell the odor of their incense. God would not accept their burnt offerings, grain offerings, or their peace offerings.

            Their songs sounded like noise to God. He refused to listen when they played on their instruments. . . Instrumental music was not originally a part of the Law of Moses. It was later instituted by David and the Lord sanctioned it by giving it His glory. (2 Chronicles 29:26-27) You must do right for your worship to mean anything to God. "But let justice roll down like waters,    and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." (Amos 5:24) God asked Israel, "Did you bring to me sacrifices and offerings during the forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?" In the wilderness they had worshipped the one true God. Now they had made idols, Moloch and Chiun, to worship and serve. The true God had blessed them, but these are gods they have to carry if the are to move. S a result of their idolatry God said, "I will force you to march as captives beyond Damascus. I, the LORD God All-Powerful, have spoken!"

            It is time to get serious about your salvation. To become a Christian you must hear the gospel (Romans 10:17), believe in Jesus (John 8:24), repent of sins (Acts 17:30), confess Christ as Lord (Acts 8:37), and be baptized to be saved. (1 Peter 3:21). After baptism follow Jesus in faithfulness as He leads you home to heaven. (Revelation 2:10)

When the Lord makes a promise
– Amos Six –

            God compared Israel to her pagan neighbors. Here He judged d d Israel for her pride, indulgence and sinful luxury. These were lazy and indifferent people that had forgotten the true God. These were at ease in Zion because they had hidden their sins from their own eyes. Israel's sinful ease came because she trusted in Mount Samaria. She also put off the idea of a day of gloom thinking that judgment would not come upon them. The self-indulgent, violent nature of these people was a disappointment to the Almighty. They did not live for God; instead they lived for their own drunken ignorance.  

            Many today live with the same self-indulgence. They do not live for Christ nor do they care for His church. Their focus is on self alone. Israel was no better than the sinful kingdoms that surrounded her. God had already brought His judgment upon them and d Israel would be next. When we are prospered by God we should use what He puts into our hands in a way that glorifies Him. Sadly, during times of economic prosperity and success many become self-indulgent. The self-indulgent leaders of Israel would be the first to go into captivity.       

            God hated the pride and sinful conduct of f Israel. Now He will send a strong army to bring them low. There are some things from which you can never expect a good result, like a horse running on the rocks or oxen plowing on the rocks. Neither can you expect good to result from rebellion against God. Israel's rebellion had now brought her to the point where God's judgment was coming through a conquering nation.  No sinner has any right to think that he shall escape God's judgment.

            At ease in Zion -- Amos 6:1-4: The national leaders in Israel felt safe and at ease in Zion or Jerusalem and on the mountain of Samaria. However, these notable men of Israel were in trouble. Very grievous distress would come upon these people because of rebellion against God. They were secure, contented and unconcerned about their spiritual condition. These leaders had power that they used for evil instead of for good. God called upon Israel to observe what had happened to the cities of Calneh, Hamath, and Gath in Philistia. He asked them, "Are you better than these kingdoms? Or is their territory greater than your territory." Israel should not have felt secure as if nothing bad would happen because of their evil.

             Israel was cruel and violent. They denied that the nation was in any way in danger of judgment. They were like the people described in Ecclesiastes 8:11. Solomon said, "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." These rich rulers were guilty of lounging around on beds with ivory posts, while dining on the meat of their lambs and calves. The sadness of using what we have just for ourselves is a horrible evil indeed. They took advantage of the common people and had no respect for God.  

            Evil is strongly condemned -- Amos 6:5-7: God told the people, "You sing foolish songs to the music of harps." He also said, "Like David they invent for themselves instruments of music." This verse in no way condemns instrumental music in Old Testament times. What is condemned here is mixing true worship and idolatrous worship and thinking that God would somehow accept the whole system. These people cared about themselves but not about what is decent, good and right. "You drink all the wine you want and wear expensive perfume, but you don't care about the ruin of your nation." They surround their worship with sinful extravagance and selfishness.  

          God's charge against Israel was simply stated, "But they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph." They were not touched and shamed by the hardships of the poor or by idolatrous worship. They only think of gratifying their own selfish desires at the expense of their poor brethren. God promised that when the foreign armies invaded the land these people would be the first to be dragged off as captives. All of their good times and selfish living would end.  

            The Lord swore by Himself -- Amos 6:8-10: The Lord God All-powerful promised by His own name that the wicked would be punished. Let us remember that God does exactly the thing He promises and He does it when He promises. Here even God's oath is added to His word. They had angered God by their pride. He hated the fact that they trusted in their fortresses instead of Him. The result was that God would give their city and possessions to their enemies. God promised complete destruction of the cities of Israel. The destruction would be so sever that if ten men survive by hiding in a house all ten of them will die.

          God said through Amos, "And when one's relative, the one who anoints him for burial, shall take him up to bring the bones out of the house, and shall say to him who is in the innermost parts of the house, "Is there still anyone with you?" he shall say, "No"; and he shall say, "Silence! We must not mention the name of the LORD." God had promised the destruction for Israel. It would be no use at that late hour to make any appeal to the Lord help. It was too late.


          God promised punishment against Israel -- Amos 6:11-14: God had commanded that complete destruction come upon both the land and the people. That is why we can understand that none would be left. God's word is truth. He can neither err nor lie. He does what He promises. "At the Lord's command, houses great and small will be smashed to pieces." The promise of God to destroy the land is seen in two questions, "Do horses run on rocks? Does one plow there with oxen? But you have turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood." The nation is now facing God's wrath because they had turned justice, and judgment into that which is bitter and worthless.  

            "We did it on our own." What a horrible attitude and what arrogance when in life we feel that we have done it on our own. It is a terrible mistake to focus on vain and fleeting riches. This was especially true for the leaders of Israel that had their wealth through the oppression of the poor. Israel even bragged about obtaining power and wealth to conquer their neighbors. The All-powerful God promised to send a conquering nation against Israel. He said, "For behold, I will raise up against you a nation, O house of Israel," declares the LORD, the God of hosts; "and they shall oppress you from Lebohamath to the Brook of the Arabah." The prediction is that a nation was to come against Israel and subdue their whole territory. Evil always has a tragic end.

             Human life is uncertain. Let us realize that our salvation is the most important thing. To become a Christian you must hear the gospel (John 6:44-45), believe in Jesus (Mark 16:16), repent of sins (Acts 2:38), confess Christ as Lord (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized to be saved. (1 Peter 3:21) After baptism follow Jesus in faithfulness as He leads you home to heaven. (Revelation 2:10)

Go Prophecy Unto My People Israel
– Amos Seven –

            The book of Amos has two natural divisions. Amos chapter one through six contains God's condemnation of sin and a picture of His judgment against eight disobedient nations. God used Amos to preach sermons against false religion, violence, selfishness and dishonesty. It was too late for the nation of Israel but not for individuals to turn back to God. Amos pleaded with the people to return to the Lord. p;p;

             The second section is made up of Amos chapters seven through nine. Here we observe five visions that Amos had. The only interruption in these visions is a brief moment when Amos defended his prophetic role before Amaziah. The book of Amos is a sad book dealing with disregard for the Creator. However, it closes with a ray of hope for some that would turn back to God. 

            Amos seven contains three of Amos' visions, (1) The vision of the locust, (2) The vision of fire, and (3) the vision of the plumb line. There is also a brief discussion with h h Amaziah concerning Amos' prophetic work. By way of a vision the Lord showed Amos that a swarm of locust was coming to destroy the crops of Israel. Amos prayed for Israel and God spared them of this horror. In a second vision the Lord showed Amos a fire consuming the great deep. Again Amos prayed and God spared Israel from this misery. God is compassionate and longsuffering as the prayers of the righteous prevail. The third vision was that of the Lord standing on the wall with a plumb line in His hand. He was at the high place of idolatrous worship. God measured Israel and found her defective. The nation would now face His judgment.

             Bethel was the center of idolatrous worship. Amaziah was the priest there. He accused Amos of conspiracy against Jeroboam. He told Amos to stop preaching in Bethel and to go back to Judah. Amos defended himself by saying, "I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit: And the LORD took me as I followed the flock, and the LORD said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel." Amos gave bold but sad prophesies against both Amaziah and Israel.

                                  The vision of locust -- Amos 7:1-3: The Lord showed Amos that he was going to send locusts to attack the crops of Israel. This would happen after the king has already been given his share of the grain. Amos was certain that the nation was so weak that it could not stand such a plague. So he made a plea to God on behalf of these people.   After Amos had prayed the Bible says, "The LORD repented for this: It shall not be, saith the LORD." (Amos 7:3) (KJV) The Lord "repented" or changed his mind about the destruction. He removed the insects and did not allow them to destroy the land.  

         The vision of fire -- Amos 7:4-6: In a second vision the Lord showed Amos that He was going to send a ball of fire to burn up everything on earth, including the ocean. It was a judgment by fire, and it would devour the great deep and eat up the land. Imagine the horrors if the entire water supply are dried up from the earth. Amos again pleaded on behalf of the people. Amos prayed, "O Lord GOD, please cease! How can Jacob stand? He is so small!"


         Again the LORD was entreated to relent and withdraw His wrath from Israel. He knew that Israel's rebellion deserved the punishment, but He felt sorry for the land and would not allow the destruction to come. The prayers of Amos touched the heart of God and He gave the nation of Israel another opportunity to reform their lives, from bad to good.


         The vision of the plumb line -- Amos 7:7-9: The third vision was that of the Lord Himself standing on a wall with a plumb line in His hand. The plumb line had been used to measure the straightness of the wall. The Lord is longsuffering but now His patience has been exhausted. God had extended mercy to Israel over and over again. Yet, they would always go right back to their past sins. He is now passing His strict judgment on a people that had been blessed with many opportunities to get right with their Maker.


         This vision takes on a little different nature than the first two. Here God asked, "Amos, what do you see?" The Lord was using the plumb line or measuring line to show that His people Israel did not measure up and that He would not forgive them any more. God would no longer be lenient with His unfaithful peo­ple. He could no longer overlook their sins. Now they would face sever punishment. The high places used for idolatrous worship would be destroyed. God would "send war against the nation of King Jeroboam." God used the names of Joseph, Jacob and Isaac with reference to the nation of Israel. The nation simply should have done better. Sadly, they had followed Jeroboam to destruction and ruin.


        Amaziah rebukes Amos -- Amos 7:10-17: Amaziah the priest at Bethel sent a message to King Jeroboam of Israel saying, "Amos is plotting against you in the very heart of Israel. Our nation cannot put up with his message for very long." This is not the Jeroboam that first led Israel into idolatry but one that continued the same. Amaziah was the priest of Bethel, one of the locations for idol worship in Israel. Amaziah, like all false teachers, hated the truth.


It is uncertain that Amos had said what Amaziah had accused him of or not. He said that Amos said, "Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel must go into exile away from his land." It is likely that Amos had not spoken about the death of Jeroboam. However, some of what Amaziah said was truth. Godless men and false teachers often mix some truth with their error to deceive those that hear them.  

         Amaziah told Amos to take his work of being a prophet and go back to Judah. He could earn a living and prophecy there. He called Amos a "seer." "Seer" is just another name for a prophet. It had to do with one that could see the future. He told Amos not to do any more preaching at Bethel. He said, "The king worships here at our national temple." Amaziah seemed to reason that if you get rid of the messenger then you get rid of the fulfillment of the message.           

        Amaziah thought that Amos was a prophet so that it would not matter where he preached so Judah would be as good as Israel as a location for his message. Amos explained to him, "I am not a prophet! And I was not trained to be a prophet. I am a shepherd, and I was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs." But he said, "The LORD told me to leave my herds and preach to the people of Israel." Amos had no choice on what to preach or where to preach. Amos wanted Amaziah to understand that he was asking him not to do what God told him to do.  

            Amos chose neither the message nor the place. He was simply doing what God said do. God also gave him a message for r Amaziah. Amos said, "Now, listen to what the LORD says about you: Your wife will become a prostitute in the city, your sons and daughters will be killed in war, and your land will be divided among others. You will die in a country of foreigners, and the people of Israel shall surely go into exile away from its land." Amaziah's criticism did not intimidate Amos. He stood strong for God. 

It is time for us to be strong in the Lord. To become a Christian you must hear the gospel (Romans 10:17), believe in Jesus (John 8:24), repent of sins (Acts 17:30), confess Christ as Lord (Acts 8:37), and be baptized to be saved. (1 Peter 3:21) After baptism follow Jesus in faithfulness as He leads you home to heaven. (Revelation 2:10)

A Famine Of Hearing God's Word

Amos Eight


          In this section of scripture God showed Amos a basket of summer fruit. The fruit was very ripe. When fruit is very ripe like this it is ready to be spoiled. God wanted Israel to understand that the end was near and that they were ready for judgment.


          God again described the sins of Israel. They had cheated and destroyed the poor of the land. Worship meant nothing to them. They wanted it to hurry and be over so they could be back about their business. They cheated people in business deals using false weights and measures. They showed contempt for the poor by selling them as a slave for the value of a pair of shoes. They sold the poor the worthless part of the grain as if it had full value.


          God promised that He would remember the sins of Israel with sever judgment. The judgment would be horrible. The day that was coming was described as a day of mourning. It would also be a day of famine for the word of God. Those that trusted in idols would fall never to rise up again.


            The vision of summer fruit -- Amos 8:1-3: Several times in the Book of Amos the prophet describe visions shown to him by God. Here the Lord showed him a basket of ripe summer fruit. The ripe fruit comes near the end of the season. It was the end of the season for Israel. The season of blessings is now over for Israel and they faced judgment and punishment. God said, "Amos, what do you see?" His reply was "A basket of ripe fruit."  God explained that is represented the end for my Israel. He would not forgive them again. God would no longer be lenient toward this unfaithful nation. The Lord would no longer overlook their iniquity. Instead He would bring an enemy force against them.


Sadly the children of Israel had worshipped and served idols. While their minds were set on idols they would still sing praise to God and have a form of worship. Now instead of the songs God said, "The songs of the temple shall become wailings in that day." Death would silence their songs. The Lord promised that dead bodies would be everywhere. Just imagine the horrors of dead bodies in all the houses and palaces, in all towns and cities; and especially in Samaria, during the siege. These people would die some through the famine and many others by the sword.         


The nature of Israel's sin -- Amos 8:4-6: God reminded the leaders of Israel of their sins in taking advantage of the poor to expand their own selfish interests. They had literally swallowed up the needy. The affluent leaders in Israel had swallowed up the poor, their labors, gains, and profits, and persons too. Also their attitude toward worship was anything but spiritual. They could not wait for the New Moon Festival (1 Chronicles 23:31), or the Sabbath to be over. They wanted to be able to quickly get back to the business of cheating, charging too much and using dishonest scales in their dealings. Please observe the fact that they could not give God their "undivided attention."


          How much is a human being worth? The leaders of Israel showed contempt for the value of the life of a poor person by selling them for a paltry price. They said, "Those who are needy and poor don't have any money. We will make them our slaves for the price of a pair of sandals." They sold the chaff of the wheat or the worthless part of the grain to the poor and even mixed dust in the grain to make it weigh more. The wheat would not be useful for human consumption but could only be fed to the animals. Such disregard for the poor was also a disregard for God.


       The nature of Israel's judgment -- Amos 8:7-10: Israel was prideful or arrogant about the fact that they were descendants of Jacob. God told them that this fact would not cause Him to forget any of their evil deeds. God forgets our sins when He forgives them. Therefore Israel's sins would be unforgiven and thus would not go unpunished. God would no longer overlook the unrighteous practices of the leaders in Israel even if their ancestry went back to Jacob. They had become an unfaithful nation and had broken their covenant with God. Now God said, "Shall not the land tremble on this account, and everyone mourn who dwells it, and all of it rise like the Nile, and be tossed about and sink again, like the Nile of Egypt?" The wrath of God that was to come should have caused this nation to tremble.


          God promised, "On that day, I, the LORD God, will make the sun go down at noon, and I will turn daylight into darkness." The figure that the sun would go down at noon was a picture of how the nation of Israel would lose her power prematurely. Faithfulness would have blessed that nation for many generations to come. Sadly the land was darkened because of continual sin. Everything that was good became bad. Their festivals and joyful singing turned into sorrow. There would be no joy. They would wear sackcloth and shave their heads, as one would at the death an only child. The coming of God's judgment would be a day of bitter calamity and of wailing and mourning. The day might start as a beautiful, sunshiny day but it would end in bitter darkness. The coming of God's wrath would be a horrible day for Israel.


          A famine for the word of God -- Amos 8:11-14: God promised a horrible famine in the land. It would not be a shortage of food and water. The people would be hungry and thirsty to hear the word of God. God would cease to offer His message of hope for the people. God said, "You will search everywhere-- from north to south, from east to west. You will go all over the earth, seeking a message from me, the LORD. But you won't find one." It is too late. They would search in vain to find someone to teach them the truth but there was no hope.


          Even the beautiful young women and young men will faint from thirst. They are the people that should have possessed spiritual and physical strength but even they would not be able to endure the destruction. It is sad when the even the young are ready to sink and die away. They did not hunger and thirst after the righteousness of Christ, and so perished. As the chapter closed God again reminded them that these miseries were coming upon them because they had turned from Him to serve idols. God said, "You made promises in the name of Ashimah, the goddess of Samaria. And you made vows in my name at the shrines of Dan and Beersheba. But you will fall and never get up."


          Will you have enough reverence and fear for God that you will become a Christian now? To become a Christian you must hear the gospel (Romans 10:17), believe in Jesus (John 8:24), repent of sins (Acts 17:30), confess Christ as Lord (Acts 8:37), and be baptized to be saved. (1 Peter 3:21). After baptism follow Jesus and He will lead you home to heaven! (Revelation 2:10)

God Saw The Sinful Kingdom
Amos Nine

God promised Israel that He would bring judgment upon this sinful nation in such a way that no one would escape. They would be treated like the rebellious Philistines and the Syrians had been treated. Many of the wicked in Israel felt that they were too strong to be overcome by such a judgment, but they were mistaken. God said, "Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD." (Amos 9:8)

God promised that he would raise up the tabernacle of David His elect, and rebuild it in its glory. James quoted this very passage in Acts 15:15-18 and applied it to the church in which both Jews and Gentiles are accepted in Christ. The church is the true Israel of God. Amos prophesied of that time that Gentiles would be called by God's name. The prophesy that Gentiles would be called by God's name had its fulfillment in Antioch and also unto this day. "And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." (Acts 11:26)

God's judgment on Israel --Amos 9:1-4: The people of Israel had been unfaithful to God. They had worshipped idols, taken advantage of the poor, been dishonest in business and been very violent. Now they would face punishment by many of them being killed and by others being exiled in a foreign land. In a vision Amos saw the Lord standing by the altar in the idols temple. He shook the columns and they fell and destroyed many of the unfaithful people. Those that tried to escape were killed with the sword. God said, (1) Not one of them shall flee away, and (2) Not one of them shall escape. It would be impossible for these people to escape from the wrath of God. The impossibility of escaping from God's judgment is seen in the words, "If they dig into Sheol, from there shall my hand take them; if they climb up to heaven, from there I will bring them down." This is the same idea used by David in Psalm 139 to prove that there is no escape from God's wrath.  

Amos reminded the people that there would be no escape from the judgment of God. Neither a mountain nor the bottom of an ocean would hide a person from the Almighty. God said, "If they escape to the peaks of Mount Carmel, I will search and find them. And if they hide from me at the bottom of the ocean, I will command a sea monster to bite them." Nothing is really hidden from the vision of God. "All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do." (Hebrews 4:13) God promised that many would die by the sword. They had no respect for human life, so now it was time to reap what they had sown. God said, "I will fix my eyes upon them for evil and not for good." The evil spoken of here is not something morally wrong. Their rebellion had brought things to such a point that God was determined to hurt them, not help them.

The Lord God is all-powerful -- Amos 9:5-6: Amos gave an amazing picture of God's judgment. He said, "When the LORD God All-Powerful touches the earth, it melts, and its people mourn. God makes the earth rise and then fall, just like the Nile River." The expression "the Lord GOD of hosts" means that God is the God of armies and all other forces that can be used to bring about his will. God is the high and exalted one. He has built his palace in the heavens. He allowed the foundation of His palace to rest on the earth. The Lord is the one that "calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the surface of the earth."

Through His prophet Amos god made known to the people that He is exalted as the highest heavens. God is also powerful and strong enough to take possession of all things. The psalmist wrote, "The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted." (Psalm 18:46) Israel was at that point in history where they would learn that God means what He says. Mankind is always better off to do the will of God.

The Lord He is God -- Amos 9:7-10: god wanted it understood that not only was Israel dependent upon God but that the entire world stood in total dependence on the Almighty. "Are you not like the Cushites to me, O people of Israel?" declares the LORD. "Did I not bring up Israel from the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor and the Syrians from Kir?" (Amos 9:7) God is independent but every man is dependent upon Him. What does the Lord see when He looks at us? When he looked at Israel His eyes saw what a sinful nation they were. God promised that (1) He would wipe out the sinful people, and (2) He promised that he would leave a few of Jacob's descendants. This was the Lord's promise. There would be a remnant left after the captivity had ended. In Ezra 2:64 we read, "The whole congregation together was forty and two thousand three hundred and threescore."  

In a vivid word picture Amos showed the judgment of God against Israel. God would command the heathen nations to sift the Israelites like grain. The Israelites that remained faithful would be scattered among the nations. The rebellious would be trapped like trash in a sifter and destroyed. In His judgment God would deal with all of Israel. False prophets belittled the idea that any danger was threatening the nation of Israel. They cry "Peace, peace; when there is no peace." (Jeremiah 6:14) God said, "All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, who say, 'Disaster shall not overtake or meet us."

The LORD promised Israel a blessing -- Amos 9:11-15: God did promise that a remnant of Israel would return to their home land. When the remnant returned they would never be taken again bodily out of Palestine. The nation would lose its power but it would happen while they still lived in the land. In what is now a much abused passage God said, "In the future, I will rebuild David's fallen kingdom." He promised that he would bring Israel from ruin and set it up again as a nation. When the chastisement at the hands of the heathen nations was complete God promised, "In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old."

Israel would possess some of those nations that had troubled them in the past. "That they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations who are called by my name," declares the LORD who does this." (Amos 9:12) When the people repented and were properly punished God would bless the remnant of this beaten down people. Prosperity would return and the harvest would be great. They would have such a harvest that they would not be able to bring in all their grain. When it was time to plant again there would still be crops from last season. What a contrast in gaining wealth from honest work and from gaining wealth by cheating the poor!

God promised to make Israel prosper again. The people would rebuild their towns and live in them. They would drink wine from their own vineyards and eat the fruit they had grown. A remnant of the Lord's people would be brought out of captivity. God promised, "I will plant them on their land, and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them," The nation was finally brought under the control of others but it was while they were in the land. They were never taken out of Palestine again after the return from this captivity.

Please do not wait too late to get your soul right with God. It is time to get serious about your salvation. To become a Christian you must hear the gospel (John 6:44-45), believe in Jesus (Mark 16:16), repent of sins (Acts 2:38), confess Christ as Lord (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized to be saved. (Galatians 3:26-27) After baptism follow Jesus in faithfulness as He leads you home to heaven. (Revelation 2:10)